10th International Vienna Masterclass - Vocal
Date and Time: 04 - 16 August 2016
Place: Vienna, Austria
Gaming, Austria
Milano, Italy
Youngmi Kim, Soprano (Korean National University of Arts)
Peter Edelmann, Bariton (Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien)
Kristin Okerlund, Pianist (Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien)
James Vaughan, Pianist (Teatro alla Scala)
Nicola Martinucci, Tenor
Closing Concert
Date and Time: 11 August 2016 @ 11AM
Venue: Charterhouse Gaming, 32th Chopin Festival in Austria Gaming
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World Culture Networks GmbH
A Opernring 1/R/608, 1010 Vienna, Austria
T +43 1 522 62 43 82
E office@wocu.net
World Culture Networks Co Ltd
A 1111, Floor 11, Teheran-ro 322, Gangnam-gu,
(Yeoksam-dong, Hanshin Intervalley24, East Wing)
Seoul, Korea
T Giju Yi +82 2 2183 1291
E yigiju@wocu.net